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Pink Final
Manchester; football, music, fashion, industry, history
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Noe av det Manchester er kjent for.
Men det er så mye mer.
Musikk f.eks.
Eller frihandel.

1653 The nation's first free public library opened, founded using money donated by wealthy Mancunian Humphrey Chetham.

1761 The Bridgewater Canal opened; the first totally artificial waterway independent of natural rivers.

1773 The first steamboats operated on the Bridgewater Canal.

1783 Richard Arkwright set up the first mill to use steam power on Miller Street in the city centre, paving the way for mass production techniques.

1803 John Dalton's atomic theory with its pioneering work on the constitution of elements was the precursor of all modern chemistry.

1805 The first gas street lighting illuminated part of Chapel Street in Salford, along with the Philips and Lee factory.

1815 Modern vegetarianism began, inspired by the sermons of the Reverend William Cowherd at the Salford Bible Christian church.

1824 The first bus route ran from Market Street in Manchester to Salford.

1825 Glasgow born, Manchester mill owner Charles Mackintosh took out a patent for a practical waterproof fabric.

1830 The world's first true railways started operating from a purpose built station on Liverpool Road.

1841 Sir Joseph Whitworth (1803-87) was the father of precision engineering.

1842 The world's first commuter towns developed along the railway routes of southern Manchester at places such as Alderly Edge and Sale.

1844 Manchester was the birth place of the worldwide co-operative movement.

1846 Philips Park, Queens Park and Peel Park became the city's first parks.

1850 Manchester led the way in providing its citizens a supply of fresh, pure water when it opened Longdale Reservoirs.

1850 The first law in thermodynamics was discovered in Manchester by James Prescott Joule.

1853 John Benjamin Dancer, working from 43 Cross Street, invented microphotography and microfilms.

1857 The first international art exhibition was held in Manchester.

1868 The first general meeting of the Trade Union Congress took place in the Mechanics Institute, Princess Street.

1880 The first mechanically powered submarine was launched to the designs of eccentric Hulme curate, the Reverend George Garrett.

1888 The first professional football league was formally created in the Royal Hotel, Manchester.

1892 A predecessor of New Labour, the Independent Labour Party was formed in Manchester- its first MP was Keir Hardie.

1893 The first and only swing aqueduct in the world was built at Barton- it carries the Bridgewater Canal over the Ship Canal.

1894 Despite having a market stall in Leeds, Marks and Spencer opened its first store on Stretford Road in Hulme.

1896 The first purpose built industrial estate was created at Trafford Park.

1903 Emmeline Pankhurst founded the Women's Social and Political Union in her home, which still stands on Nelson Street. The aim of the organisation was to recruit working class women into the struggle for the vote.

1904 Frederick Royce met Charles Rolls in the Midland Hotel and set up the famous company which bears their names.

1908 The first British plane was designed and flown by A V Roe.

1908 Annie Elizabeth Fredericka Horniman began the British repertory movement, influencing 20th-century drama, acting, and production.

1917 Ernest Rutherford discovered how to split the atom at Manchester University.

1919 Alcock and Brown, both Manchester Central High School students, were the first to fly the Atlantic Ocean non-stop.

1919 Probably the world's first scheduled airline service was set up between Manchester and Southport.

1948 The first computer with a stored programme and memory, nicknamed 'baby', was developed at Manchester University.

1960 Granada Television's Coronation Street is the world's longest running soap opera.

1964 The first Top of the Pops was recorded in Manchester in a church on Dickenson Road in Longsight.

1980 Manchester became the first British Nuclear Free City.

1982 The Castlefield area of the city became Britain's first Urban Heritage Park.

1986 Renovation of Central Station was completed to become G-Mex; Europe's largest indoor arena.

1992 Trams were reintroduced to British streets by Manchester Metrolink service.

2002 The Commonwealth Games, held in Manchester, became the largest multi-sport event ever hosted in the UK.

2003 The Boho Britain Creativity Index ranked Manchester as the creative capital of the UK.

2006 Manchester was voted Britain's best city for business in a national survey of over 5,000 of the country's biggest employers in 28 cities.

2010 Scientists at the University of Manchester were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for inventing graphene, the world's thinnest material.

2012 Manchester Airport was voted best UK airport

2013 Assessment confirms that Manchester has the largest commercial property market outside London.

2015 The Global Liveability Survey from the Economist Intelligence Unit names Manchester the best British city and 46th out of 160 internationally to live in.

2017 Construction of the Britain's first asymmetric network arch bridge as part of the Ordsall Chord rail extension.
post liked by: Pwint, Rød Pølse, Belfastboy, Can2
Football Pink Final, Manchester’s saturday Pink - 1904-2000
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Jeg var så heldig å prate med en eldre herremann som virkelig kunne masse om Baby (den første datamaskinen som kunne kjøre et program fra minne), og han jobbet på museet da vi var der. Han hadde også vært med på å programmere togsystemene langt tilbake i tid. For en nerd som meg så var det utrolig morsomt å høre ham fortelle om maskinen og hvor langt fremme den faktisk var på sin tid og ikke minst om en helt utrolig imponerende karriere og kunnskap.

Flott liste @Pink Final.

Dessverre er også Manchester et sted som har mye fattigdom. ... n-poverty/

Her kan vi lese at: "They show that 37% of children and young people in the city region are living in poverty – or the equivalent of a staggering 11 children in a classroom of 30. "

Det er også alarmerende økning i fattigdom i nordvest: "Across the North West as a whole the number of children living in poverty has seen a worrying increase in the last 7 years, rising 5.4 percentage points since 2014/15. During this time, child poverty only rose by one percentage point across the UK."

Jeg syns jeg kan se at byen blir mer og mer shabby for hver gang jeg er der. Men jeg kommer alltid til å elske Manchester. Kanskje man kan håpe at dersom sir Jim får til et "Wembly of the North" med tilhørende forretningsområde og turisttjenester mm. så kan det hjelpe mange i arbeid. Ikke vet jeg.
post liked by: Rød Pølse, Pink Final, Jan Erik
“I don’t play against a particular team. I play against the idea of losing.”
— Eric Cantona
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